(Villa Moller. Adolf Loos)
The emotional impact is related to an act, not an object or a visual or figural element. The phenomenology of architecture is founded on verbs rather than nouns. The approaching of the house, not the facade, the act of entering, not the door; the act of looking out of the window, not the window itself; or the act of gathering around rather than the hearth or the table as such seem to trigger our strongest emotions.
The emotional impact is related to an act, not an object or a visual or figural element. The phenomenology of architecture is founded on verbs rather than nouns. The approaching of the house, not the facade, the act of entering, not the door; the act of looking out of the window, not the window itself; or the act of gathering around rather than the hearth or the table as such seem to trigger our strongest emotions.
(Juhani Pallasmaa)
La intuición terapéutica de Wilson sugiere de manera general que el movimiento corporal es el fundamento del lenguaje… Su idea guía es que las propias categorías del lenguaje proceden de acciones manuales intencionales, de modo que los verbos derivan de movimientos manuales, los sustantivos «cogen» cosas en forma de nombres, mientras que los adverbios y los adjetivos, a modo de herramientas manuales, modifican movimientos y objetos.
(Richard Sennett)
No basta ver, sino atreverse, es un ver en movimiento, es ir más allá de la constatación, es quitar los obstáculos y dejar fluir la vida que nos anima.
(Nicole Diesbach)
(Nicole Diesbach)
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